Note: Final version may have minor changes from the pictures.

This project was initiated by an ex-amateur motorcycle racer Liam Venter.
After a severe motorcycle racing accident, it was evident that the thousands of dollars’ worth of top-quality safety gear he was wearing saved him from permanent injuries. It was also evident that the same grade of protective gear was not available to high performance EUC riders. In particular, the wrist guards available on the market were not designed for higher speed incidents.
1. Superior Shock Absorption
Our wrist shock-pad sliders are the only ones available with an inbuilt air pocket shock absorption pad, offering exceptional impact protection.
2. Seamless Compatibility
Designed to be worn over your favourite armoured motorcycle racing gloves, our wrist shock-pad sliders provide unmatched versatility.
3. Unmatched Durability
Built to last, our wrist shock-pad sliders are incredibly robust. They are engineered to withstand high-impact conditions. Our early users are finding that they outlive their gloves, allowing you to simply transfer them to your next set.
Shock-Pad Wrist Sliders are designed to be used only with long gauntlet motorcycle racing gloves.
Most riders leave the slider permanently fitted to their gloves but will generally ease the front and rear Velcro strap when putting on and taking off their gloves.
Once correctly fitted to your glove the sliders will remain securely fitted to the glove and will not move about during an accident. The shape and coverage was refined with the help of our beta testers over an extended period of time, to provide the shock and abrasion protection exactly where it needs to be, while still allowing you free movement of your hand an fingers to allow you to grasp items like your phone to check your EUC app, etc.
You may have seen products that attempt to provide bracing to the wrist joint with thin plastic strips slid into pockets stitched onto a custom glove.
Sometimes these plastic strips just span the underside of the wrist joint, in other cases they have a second plastic strip spanning across the top of the wrist joint.
These types of wrist protectors were traditionally popular with skiers and snowboarders for use on soft snow, but on impact with hard pavement at speed they are not strong enough to prevent overextension of the wrist joint. Even if the plastic was replaced with a more rigid material such as carbon fibre (or even steel) they would merely transfer the bone snapping forces to either end of the supports and potentially cause even more damage. Wrist braces typically do not have any engineered shock absorption.
One pundit described them as a triumph of optimism over reality.
By contrast Shock-Pad Wrist Sliders function in two ways. 1. The shock pads absorb the initial peak impact forces. 2. By promoting sliding, they spread the impact forces over both time and distance. This second function is the most important.
Most of us need the full functionality of our hands for our day jobs. We make no apologies for striving to offer the best, no compromise wrist protection we can.
Our Journey

Development Journey of Wrist Shock-pad Sliders
I'm Liam Venter, an ex-amateur motorcycle racer.After a severe motorcycle racing accident, it was evident that the thousands of dollars worth of top quality safety gear I was wearing saved me from ...